Posted by | Posted in Funny Valentines Day Messages | Posted on 03:33
Our big economic downturn does not necessarily mean the end of romance. If you and your special someone share a loving sense of humor, you might consider writing a funny Valentine's Day poem. Yes, it may sound daunting, but you won't know if you can do it unless you try. The good news is that trying is absolutely free. All you need is pen and paper. It doesn't get more affordable than that! But it can get easier...
The Internet is a treasure trove of free poetry in general, and free funny Valentine poetry in particular. There are many sites that give you permission to copy and gift a poem - so long as it is for one-time personal use, and not something you plan to re-use for commercial profit.
The Internet is a treasure trove of free poetry in general, and free funny Valentine poetry in particular. There are many sites that give you permission to copy and gift a poem - so long as it is for one-time personal use, and not something you plan to re-use for commercial profit.
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